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Online business news

Newspaper Databases

NewsBank Full-Text Newspapers contains international, national, regional, and local news from across Australia and the world. 

Titles include:

Watch the video below for some NewsBank search tips:

Selecting EBSCO databases

  1. Select Find and eResources A-Z, from the tabs on the left menu
  2. Then select EBSCO and All EBSCO databases
  1. Select Australia/New Zealand Reference Centre and Newswires
Screenshot Selecting databases
  1. Deselect eBook Collection and then click Continue at the top of the screen
Deselecting screenshot
  1. Enter keywords to begin search
Searching Ebsco

Visit Thomson Reuters Westlaw Classic for Australian and international newspaper articles (e.g. The Australian, Australian Financial Review, Sydney Morning Herald, West Australian).


  1. On the landing page of the Thomson Reuters Westlaw Classic database, click News in the right column
Westlaw classic news screenshot
  1. On the next page click International in the right column
Westlaw Classic Screenshot
  1. Click on Australia & New Zealand (or choose another region)
Westlaw classic Australia and New Zealand
  1. Click on a newspaper title, or search all newspapers using the search bar at the top of page
Westlaw classic newspapers
  1. Use Advanced Search if looking for a particular article. Article titles may differ from online versions of the newspaper - use keywords or the article author, and give a date range in the dropdown box. Then click the orange search icon
Westlaw Classic advanced search