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Notre Dame 5 Star University
University Library




Advanced Information Research Skills


The University of Notre Dame Australia is committed to excellence in teaching, scholarship and research.

Fundamental to this commitment is the upholding of academic integrity which is underpinned by the values of honesty, fairness, respect and responsibility. The University has implemented a range of strategies to support and enhance student academic integrity. In addition to the Policy: Academic Integrity (Students), there is the Code of Conduct for Students, course outlines, marking guides (for example, rubrics), text-matching software, Library services, Pathways, and the Academic Integrity Module (AIM)

What are the principles at Notre Dame?

From the Policy: Academic Integrity (Students) – page 3:

  • Academic Integrity is a core University value and obligation.
  • Upholding Academic Integrity must be the foundation for all teaching, scholarship and research undertaken by staff and students.
  • The University is opposed to, and does not tolerate, breaches of Academic Integrity.
  • The University supports the use of educative and prevention strategies to foster Academic Integrity.
  • Staff will apply appropriate strategies for promoting, protecting and practicing Academic Integrity.
  • Students will uphold ethical practice in all Academic Endeavours.
  • Penalties for breaches of Academic Integrity will take into account any extenuating circumstances and any record of past breaches of Academic Integrity.

Why is detecting and penalising plagiarism important at Notre Dame?

If you plagiarise intentionally or otherwise in assessment items, you're not providing appropriate evidence of the learning undertaken in the degree.

Members of an academic community who plagiarise undermine the value of the knowledge generated by that community - it gives the university a bad name as well as the other students who attend. Allowing you to obtain a degree with plagiarised assessment lowers the overall quality of the University's graduates and undermines the value of the qualifications offered and the achievements of other students.