The Credo Information Literacy Skills modules provide support for faculty who may wish to know more about information literacy and embedding those skills into their course curriculum.
It is widely recognised that digital familiarity does not necessarily equate to information literacy. Those who are confident with technology and often referred to as "digital natives" may not also be information literate. Information literacy is a learned process that develops over time with practice.
The Library offers the Credo Information Literacy Skills Modules, comprehensive online information literacy courseware designed for faculty use, enabling you to devote more of your time and energy to teaching.
How can Credo modules benefit both you and your students?
Credo Information Literacy Skills modules comprise online videos, tutorials, and quizzes that offer high-quality, standards-aligned educational resources aimed at nurturing students' critical thinking abilities and enhancing their information literacy.
Topics covered include: the research process, sources of information, searching for information, evaluating information, presenting research and data, referencing styles and academic integrity, visual and quantitative literacy, using critical thinking and logic, and culture and citizenship. The complete collection of Credo Information Literacy skills modules can be accessed via the link below:
Credo Faculty Module offers instructors a convenient way to begin integrating information literacy instruction into their classes and assignments with minimal effort. Faculty experience numerous advantages when students possess strong information literacy skills, as these students effectively select workable topics, conduct independant research and produce assignments that meet rigorous academic standards.
To hit the ground running, explore the following Credo Faculty video, tutorials and guides:
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