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This guide is designed to support the University of Notre Dame Australia community identify essential legal research resources.

When starting legal research, it can be useful to begin with secondary resources. This includes encyclopedias and dictionaries, books, journal articles and commentaries. These will point you to relevant primary resources including case law and legislation. 

Summary of Legal Research

University of Notre Dame Australia School of Law has generally adopted the IRAC (Issue, Rule, Application and Conclusion) approach for legal analysis & hypothetical legal problems.

  • Read the question: Use IRAC to identify
    • Issue(s): What happened? Who did it happen to? Where did it happen? What is the area of law? 
    • Rules/Relevant Law: Identify relevant case law and legislation, focusing on legal principles. 
    • Application: Apply the law to the facts and develop legal arguments
    • Conclusion: Stand back and play 'judge', choose the argument that you think is strongest and justify why


Lexis+ training

Effective Research Skills is an annual program run to support students to become excellent legal researchers capable of efficiently finding solutions to legal problems. Strong legal research skills will help you get better marks!

Semester 1 2025: Session dates and times

*Note all sessions are local time

First year: Foundations of legal research

Monday 31st March, 2pm AEDT & 11am AWST

Second year: Developing research efficiency

Tuesday 8th April, 2pm AEST & 12pm AWST

Third year: Strategic research skills

Tuesday 15th April, 3pm AEST & 1pm AWST


The Lexis Learning platform also has a number of self paced learning modules including videos, activities and quizzes.

Westlaw Webinar

Getting started with Westlaw - UNDA student drop in session.

Recording available on request.