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Copyright: An overview

Provides an overview on how Copyright applies in higher education, including Creative Commons and Open Access.


The Commonwealth Copyright Act (1968) provides the legislative framework for the copying and communication of print, electronic, and audio-visual material at the University of Notre Dame Australia. The provisions of the act apply to the research and teaching activities of both staff and students.

The Copyright Act gives authors and other copyright owners of original 'works' the exclusive right to reproduce, publish, communicate, and adapt their material; and to licence, transfer, or sell it to other people.

Works protected by copyright include almost all written materials in any format including images, music and other sound recordings, as well as films and other visual media.

An infringement of the Act can occur when you do not obtaining permission from the copyright owner, and/or use copyright protected works outside of the provisions set out by the Copyright Act (or our various licences). This could possibly lead to sever repercussions for the University and the individual.

Staff and Students can use this guide to manage the copyright protected works they use and produce in their study and research, teaching, and additional activities in and for The University of Notre Dame Australia.