The Library uses the term ‘Database’ to describe an electronic collection of research materials - usually including a range of journal, magazine or newspaper articles, conference papers, statistical datasets, and more.
Databases are primarily used to find journals and articles, however they are also used to locate
Databases are among the most frequently used of all Library eResources. Knowing how to choose the right database for a subject discipline can save time when looking for academic sources.
The video below describes how to choose a database to search.
Your Subject Guide is the best place to start when looking for relevant databases. Liaison Librarians have identified key resources for your study needs, and gathered them into one convenient location. To access the Subject Guides click on the link below.
To locate a complete list of databases go to the Find tab on the library Homepage and select eResources A-Z or click the link in the list below.
When searching through the Library's databases use truncated keywords, for example politic* to search for politic, politics, political, politician, politicians etc.
For Keyword searching for bone cancer results will include resources for bone and cancer.
For Phrase searching for "bone cancer" results will include all resources that are related to "bone cancer". This will refine the search result.
The Library Databases webpage provides an alphabetical list all of the Library's databases. Each listing has an icon next to it, indicating what type of resource it is, and which can be identified using the legend on the right side of the webpage. The “More” link under each listing will provide you with a brief description of the resource, so that you can choose the best resource for your information needs.
To locate a complete list of databases go to the Find tab on the Library Homepage and select Library Databases.
Use FiNDit to search most Databases from a single search box. Using FiNDit will allow you to quickly locate books, eBooks, journal articles, and more! Learn more about FiNDit:
When accessing some Library databases, the URLs displayed in your web browser are temporary and may break once your session ends. To ensure continued accessibility, it's advisable to utilize stable links, commonly referred to as permalinks, when saving, sharing, or citing articles.
Some databases provide permalinks in all of their URLs. Others may have a very long URL string where you will need to locate the permalink yourself.
FiNDit permalinks
1. Click on the title of the resource you want to link to.
2. Use the permalink icon to create a link, then select 'copy the permalink to clipboard'.
Ebook Central
1. On the details page of the book, select 'share link to book'
2. A pop up box will appear, copy the link with the stable URL.
1. In the 'tools' heading on the left-hand side of the page, select permalink
2. Copy the permalink link
1. On the article page, select 'email jumpstart'.
2. Highlight the URL that appears and copy.
On the article page, copy the DOI link appearing below the article’s title and authors.
Taylor & Francis
1. On the article page select the + option on the right-hand side of the screen
2. Choose copy link
3. Click the pop-up link that appears in the box in the center of the screen.
1. After opening a resource, click the link icon at the top of the page.
2. Right click on the hyperlink and select copy.
3. Close the popup window.
1.Click on the link icon at the top of the page.
2. Select copy link in the window that appears.
3. A message should appear: "The link has been copied successfully."
4. At the end of the link, you will need to add either of the following at the end with the Notre Dame group ID: ndeduau
For deep links (to specific content within the platform)
For homepage links (to the front page of our platforms)
Click here for further help instructions from Westlaw.
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