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Notre Dame 5 Star University
University Library




Open Access

Finding OA books & journals

LibKey Nomad

LibKey iconLibKey Nomad is a browser extension that provides links to library subscribed scholarly articles when you are searching the web


Use LibKey Nomad to find PDFs

After you install LibKey Nomad, it will automatically scan for direct links and PDFs available from the library wherever you browse including publisher websites, PubMed, Wikipedia  and Google Scholar.

Easily locate scholarly articles on the web

If you've found an article on a website you don't need to search for it again in the Library to get access. The extension will automatically connect you to articles in our collection.

Easy off-campus access

If you are researching off-campus, the extension automatically knows you are from Notre Dame and will allow access. Unlike many publisher websites where they only recognise you as being from Notre Dame if you are on-campus.

Secure browsing

LibKey does not require you to create a personal account and does not track your usage. Unlike some other browser extensions, no Notre Dame login details are stored in your browser

LibKey prevents citing articles at risk of retraction

You are notified at the point of discovery if an article has an expression of concern and is  likey to be retracted from publication.


LibKey helps stop the citation of retracted articles

You are notified at the point of discovery when an article has been retracted, plus given additional details about why!

  • Retracted article in FiNDit

Retracted logo screenshot

If you click the retracted article link, the LibKey Format Chooser displays additional details about the retraction and links to the full information page at Retraction Watch


LibKey Nomad browser extension clearly labels retracted articles in PubMed and Wikipedia

  • Retracted article in PubMed

Retracted logo screenshot


  • Retracted article in Wikipedia

Retracted logo screenshot

The extension is active when you visit:

  • Scholarly publisher sites 
  • Google Scholar
  • Wikipedia
  • Library databases such as PubMed and Scopus

For databases

  1. Conduct your search
  2. Click on the title of the article you would like to access
  3. Click the LibKey Nomad button to access the full text article

LibKey icon on Sage site


Google Scholar

  • Conduct your search
  • Click on the title of the article you would like to access
  • Click the LibKey Nomad button to access the full text article

LibKey icon on Google article page



Wikipedia is not generally considered an academic source for assessments, however access to any scholarly references they have used may be useful


  1. Conduct your search
  2. References with full text articles available through Notre Dame Library will display the LibKey Nomad button

LibKey icon on Wikipedia site


Library databases: PubMed and Scopus

  1. In PubMed and Scopus conduct your search
  2. Click the LibKey button for your article to access full text 

LibKey icon on PubMed site

LibKey icon on Scopus site

Follow the steps below to install the LibKey Nomad browser extension

  1. Add the LibKey Nomad browser extension to your browser 
    Browser icons
  2. When prompted select University of Notre Dame Australia
    LibKey screenshot
  3. Ensure LibKey Nomad is turned on in your browser 
    LibKey icon on browser
  4. LibKey Nomad is now active and will automatically scan for full text articles in the library's collection
    LibKey icon on database page