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Copyright: Students - study and research

Provides students with information on responsibilities around copying other peoples' work for the purpose of study and research.

What is Fair Dealing?

The Copyright Act 1968 (Cth) permits the University to reproduce (copy) and communicate a reasonable portion of a copyright work, including making that reasonable portion available online. 

For further help with copyright matters, please contact the University Copyright Officer.

Please see the following for more information:

How much can be legally copied from someone else's work?

A reasonable portion is defined as:

  • 10% or one chapter of a book or ebook,
  • or one article from an issue of a journal
    • unless on the same subject matter in which case more than one article can be copied.

For other types of material, please view the Types of Work table to find out how to (re)use material legally for educational purposes 

What are Moral Rights?

“Moral rights” are the rights individual creators have in relation to copyright works or films they have created.

Moral rights are separate from the “economic rights” of the copyright owner. The creator of a work, who holds moral rights, is not necessarily the owner of copyright in the work. Creators have three moral rights. These are the right:

  • to be attributed (or credited) for their work;
  • not to have their work falsely attributed; and
  • not to have their work treated in a derogatory way.

Key points

  • Moral rights are personal legal rights belonging to individual creators of copyright works and cannot be transferred, assigned or sold.
  • In relation to any one item of copyright material, the moral rights and copyright in the material may be held by different people.

Reference: Australian Copyright Council. Information Sheet G043v14 Moral Rights. Retrieved from

Moral Rights have the same duration as copyright.

For more information please see the following Australian Copyright Council Information sheet: