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International Law

International Blogs

News Databases

These databases can be used to find national and international full text newspaper articles. See also the News and Newspaper guide for information on accessing news sources.

Thomson Reuters Westlaw - News

The following is a sample search to illustrate the advanced search option to find news articles about the United Nations Convention on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) in relation to Australia.


  1. Phrases: Identify key phrases and put them in quotation marks eg. "United Nations" "Civil and Political Rights"
  2. Alternative terms: Identify alternative terms and put them in brackets eg. ("Civil and Political Rights" ICCPR).  In Thomson Reuters Westlaw (formerly Thomson Reuters Westlaw (formerly WestlawNext)) a space equals OR.
  3. Proximity: Consider how close the terms should be to each other for a meaningful 'relationship'.  /p means in the same paragraph, /s in the same sentence.
  4. Date Range


Look at the Help button in the blue bar at the top right hand of the WL window for additional searching hints and suggestions.

When you look at the Result List and you find a relevant item make sure you look at the Related Info tab which may link to encyclopaedias, books, journal articles and primary materials.