"The Saint John's Bible is the first handwritten, hand illuminated bible to be commissioned by a Benedictine Abbey in over five hundred years (A year with The Saint John's Bible, 2014)."
For the past year, The University of Notre Dame Australia has been custodian to one of the volumes from the Heritage Edition: Volume 6, Gospels and Acts. This volume is on display in St Teresa's Library on the Fremantle campus. Students, staff and visitors are invited to attend short weekly interactive viewings hosted by the library team. In addition, the Bible is taken out to community groups by one of the University of Notre Dame theologians (by appointment). This ensures that this beautiful work of art and theology may be shared more broadly and that a wider audience may marvel at the illuminations from Gospels and Acts volume. In creating this virtual tour, we hope to extend the reach of our in-house tours and invite you to explore seventeen of the illuminations from the Gospels and Acts volume we've selected to share with you. To start your tour, simply click on the next or previous buttons at the bottom of each page, and then click on the special icons to uncover details about the images or read the transcripts at the bottom of each page. High-resolution images have been used throughout this virtual tour, it may take a few seconds for each image to load. The recommended browsers for viewing this online tour are Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, or Safari. References
Library of Congress. (2006). Illuminating the Word: The Saint John's Bible: Monarch butterflies. Retrieved from http://www.loc.gov/exhibits/stjohnsbible/stjohns-exhibit.html#obj15
Copyright © Milkweed and Butterfly, Chris Tomlin, Copyright 2002, The Saint John’s Bible, Saint John’s University, Collegeville, Minnesota USA. Used by permission. All rights reserved. |
Credits: This tour has been created by a team of University Library staff on the Fremantle Campus at The University of Notre Dame Australia using images supplied by Saint John's University. Software: The software the team has used to create the tour was provided by Springshare LibGuides CMS, and H5P. Copyright: Images used throughout this virtual tour are Copyright protected with all rights reserved, by Saint John's University, and have been credited as such. Downloading of the images is not permissible. |
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