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University Library Logo


Borrowing from the Library

All current staff and students of the University are eligible to borrow print materials from our campus libraries. Most items can be collected directly from the shelf and borrowed without a request. However there are a few exceptions:

  • Books in our Course Reserves collection are generally textbooks or required reading for a course. These items have a 2 hour loan period, and must be requested from the front desk (except in Fremantle). 
  • The Fremantle campus library holds a number of books in a High Demand Room and these items can be collected directly from the shelf and borrowed using a self-check machine. This room also holds the Course Reserves collection and all holds and returns. Items must be borrowed before they can be taken out of the room. 
    • The remainder of the Fremantle collection is held in compactus storage, and these items must be requested to view or borrow. Information about requesting these items can be found under the Requests tab.

To learn more about borrowing, view the Borrowing Entitlements tab. 

Student/Staff Identification Cards

To borrow from the Library you must present a current ID card, such as a Notre Dame student/staff ID card; an ID card from a reciprocal institution; or a photo ID. For more information about student/staff ID cards please click the link below. 

For more specific information on how to obtain a student/staff ID card, please click the link below.

Staff and students from other institutions wishing to register to borrow from Notre Dame libraries should view the Reciprocal Borrowing page at the link below. 


Items can be borrowed from and returned to any Library on your campus.

Clients are responsible for all transactions on their borrower record.  

All overdue items attract a financial penalty, see our Fines and Renewals page at the link below for more information.