Periodically the University Library will negotiate a local reciprocal agreement with organisations where there is a mutual benefit to both organisations. These agreements will be broadly similar to the terms and conditions of the University Libraries of Australia and New Zealand (ULANZ) scheme, but will be individually negotiated and may be narrower in focus.
Notre Dame students and staff may register as reciprocal borrowers at libraries of the following institutions:
Students from the following institutions may borrow under the following conditions:
Reciprocal agreements under which staff and students (Year 11 and 12 only) from Broome Senior High School and St Mary’s College are eligible to borrow up to 10 standard loan items for 6 weeks unless recalled. Reserve and short term loan items are excluded from these agreements. In return, Notre Dame students and staff may register as borrowers at libraries of the above institutions.
Agreements enabling current staff of the Diocesan Office, CAPTER and KGT staff to borrow up to 10 standard loan items for 6 weeks unless recalled. Reserve and short term loan items are excluded from these agreements. These agreements provide no reciprocal borrowing rights for Notre Dame staff and students.
Students from the following institutions may borrow under the following conditions:
The FTI donated part of its library to the St Teresa’s Library in return for access by their students to these library materials. The FTI materials are identified on FiNDit by running a ‘general keyword’ search for Film and Television Institute. Students will be asked to present a photo ID as well as proof of current membership with FTI.
Students are welcome to use any of the other materials held in the St Teresa’s Library but can only borrow materials designated as Film and Television Institute donations.
Disclaimer: Fremantle Campus agreements operate in relation to the St Teresa’s and Craven Libraries.
Notre Dame students and staff may register as reciprocal borrowers at libraries of the following institutions:
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