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Copyright: Teaching

Guides teaching staff on many areas of copyright including limits to what can be provided to students, using images, screening video content in class, Leganto and the addition of material to the service.


The University policy, Recording of Live Course Content, sets out the grounds upon which live course content can be recorded and used in order to provide an additional study resource for staff and students, and to accommodate students whose circumstances require a more flexible learning environment.


Recording and editing of the content
Lecturers are permitted to make changes to the recorded material after the conclusion of the lecture where the changes are reasonable and appropriate. If any changes alter the substantive content of the material covered in the lecture, students must be advised of the change as soon as possible.

Staff responsible for recorded lectures or tutorials must ensure all material presented in a recorded lecture does not infringe the University’s obligations under copyright and privacy legislation.


Copyright obligations
Staff presenting lectures which will be recorded by the University are required to attach the copyright warning to all materials presented during the lecture and to verbally advise students of the University’s position on the recording of lectures. 

The University has approved the following copyright warning –

Copyright in these lectures is owned by The University of Notre Dame Australia. The material contained in this lecture may only be used for your personal study. Any use of this material for any other purpose or distribution of this material without the University’s express permission will infringe the University’s copyright. Students are not permitted to record this material on personal devices without first obtaining permission from the University.