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Copyright: Teaching

Guides teaching staff on many areas of copyright including limits to what can be provided to students, using images, screening video content in class, Leganto and the addition of material to the service.

Images and videos

I have an image or video I want to use in class - can I?

Yes - you can. If it falls within the following requirements:

Copying limits

I need to provide material to my students. Do the copying limits apply per Lecture? per Course? per University?

Print material Generally interpreted as applying per course

Example: You can photocopy one chapter from a book for students in one course and a different chapter from the same book for another course.


Online material Limits apply per course

Example: You can communicate one chapter from a book for students in one course and a different chapter from the same book for another course. BUT, these need to submitted to the Library via Leganto to ensure that the University does not breach these copyright conditions.


Leganto: a centralised approach
Limits to each item submitted to Leganto

  • For books, 10% of the total number of pages, or one chapter if the work is broken up into chapters.

  • For journal articles, one article from an issue of a journal, or more than one if they are on the same subject matter.

Please see the Leganto information on our support guide - Reading Lists: Guide for Academic Staff


Can I ask the Library to make one chapter from a book available online via Leganto and then take that chapter down and make another chapter available for the same course of study and so on?

No - sequential or serial copying and communication of chapters from a single book for the same course of study is not permitted under the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth).

Only one chapter or 10% of the pages in a book can be copied for each course. If you ask the University Library to copy more than one chapter from a book for a course you will have exceeded this limit and be operating outside the protection of the New Statutory Licence of the Copyright Act.


Can I put a scanned chapter from the same book in multiple Leganto reading lists?

It is possible to make more than one chapter from the same work available through Leganto, provided each chapter is for a different course.

Limits to each item submitted to Leganto

  • For books, 10% of the total number of pages, or one chapter if the work is broken up into chapters.
  • For journal articles, one article from an issue of a journal, or more than one if they are on the same subject matter.

Blackboard uploads

Why can't I make digital copies of copyright materials for the LMS (Blackboard) myself?

Unless you hold the copyright of a text, or have explicit permission from the copyright holder, making a copy available in the LMS is likely to breach copyright.

The Library's Leganto Service will do the following for you:

  • checks copyright compliance,
  • adds mandatory copyright notices,
  • keeps the records required by the licence and
  • participates in mandatory copyright compliance surveys under the Copyright Act.