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Printing from eBooks

Library eBooks are covered by contractual agreements which set rules around how they can be used.

All eBooks permit limited amounts of printing for non-commercial, personal use but other terms and conditions may vary. If there are printing restrictions, the details will usually be on the eBook's home page.

How you print pages from an eBook will differ depending on the eBook platform. Most often you just need to click the printer icon and follow any instructions that pop up, like the example below (click image for larger view).


Read online, download, borrow

We recommend that you read an eBook online before deciding to download it

You may be able to get all you need from an eBook just by reading it in your browser, including utilising features, such as adding notes and highlighting.

Ebook Central and Ebsco eBook Collection allow you to add books to a bookshelf or folder, so you can return to them easily. You may be asked to create an account first or even "borrow" the book, but you don't have to download it.

When you finish reading, close your browser to ensure the eBook becomes available to other users.

Download an eBook to work offline (loan periods may apply)

Most ebooks can be downloaded and then read offline, without an internet connection. 

Some platforms allow you to download eBook chapters, or the whole book, to PDF.  These eBooks don't need to be "borrowed" and can be read and downloaded by multiple people at the same time.

Reading an eBook from Ebook Central or Ebsco eBook Collection is different. To download and read offline, you will need to install eBook viewing software - one of the following, depending on your device:

If you are using a PC or Mac, you will need to:
Download Adobe Digital Editions. Available free from their website. 
You will also need to create a free account with Adobe. 
For mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets: 
You will need the Bluefire Reader app. Available free.  
You will also be prompted to set up a free account with Adobe.

Ebook Central - Click Full Download and follow the prompts to download and read offline (click image for larger view).


Ebsco eBook Collection - Click Download and follow the prompts to Sign In / Create Account and view download options (click image for larger view).

Further Assistance

View the eBook platform’s Help screen or follow the links below.

Many eBook platforms offer the ability to download a chapter, rather than the whole book

Most platforms allow you to download one or more chapters to PDF. These don't need to be "borrowed" and can be read and downloaded by multiple people at the same time. All eBook platforms are slightly different, so look for options such as Download PDF, PDF Chapter Downloads or the PDF icon, and follow the prompts.

Download limits may apply but these usually refresh after a day or so.

eBook loans vary between platforms

Not all eBooks have a loan period. Some can be read online without time limits, others can be downloaded to PDF and read anywhere, anytime.  Others, however, can only be loaned / borrowed for a limited period.

If you are reading an eBook online, you may be prompted to "loan" it after 5 minutes. Simply follow the prompts on screen to do this. If you have downloaded a book to read offline, access will be limited to between 1 and 7 days (sometimes longer). 

If the loan expires and you still need to access the eBook, you can always read it online, or loan it again.

DRM is set by the eBook publisher or vendor

Digital Rights Management (DRM) controls the access parameters a user has with an eBook, for example:

  • The number of users that can access an eBook at one time
  • How much a user can download, e.g. entire eBook, a chapter, or nothing at all
  • How long a user can download the eBook for, e.g. 1 day, 7 days, or longer
  • How much a user can print
  • What devices or programs support the eBook's format or file type
  • Whether the user needs to create a personal account on the eBook platform

The Library seeks to maximise access to resources for students and staff and where possible, acquires eBooks that are free from DRM.

eBooks and copyright

As with print books, eBooks have copyright restrictions when it comes to printing, copying, and downloading. See the Copyright Guide for more information.

Maximum allowances should refresh after a day or so, so you can return and access more of the content you need.