Not all eBooks allow for unlimited, concurrent access.
Digital Rights Management (DRM) controls the access parameters a user has with an eBook, for example:
If you are using an eBook for a course with a large number of students, it is a good idea to contact your Research Services Librarian to ensure access is suitable and discuss alternatives if there are problematic restrictions.
Providing students with direct access to eBooks from Blackboard is simple.
Copies of eBooks and eBook chapters can be made available to students in Blackboard via the Leganto Reading List service. For instructions on how to do this please visit the Add resources to a list page on the Leganto support guide via the link below.
Alternatively, you can copy and paste a URL straight into BlackBoard. Rather than copy and paste the URL from the address bar in your browser, look for a Permalink, a Stable URL, or an option to Share Link to Book, then copy and paste that into Blackboard. Students may be asked to provide their Notre Dame username and password when they follow the link.
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