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Reading Lists: Guide for Academic Staff

Add journal articles, books and chapters from the Library collection

Add items

  1. In your reading list click Add.
  2. Select Search the Library.

Highlighted menu item: search the library

  1. Enter your search terms (e.g. title, author, keyword).
  2. Locate the resource you would like to add.
  3. Click on the blue dots to drag it into the desired section (or click the + sign to view or edit any details first).

Drag icon: 6 white dots in blue half circle

  1. Once added, click the resource to see more detail, and add any student notes and a tag. 
    1. Select either Required or Recommended.

Highlighted fields: note to students and tags

 For books only: If you are unable to locate your resource in the library's collection, submit a purchase request.

For articles: If you are unable to locate your resource in the library's collection, click Add and select Manual Entry to provide the details and the library will try to source it for you. 

Reporting a broken link

  1. Hover over the reading in your list and click the Full details link.
  2. Under the Links & Availability tab, hover over the broken link
  3. Click Mark as broken.
  4. Add in any details or screenshots into the comment box

Highlighted link: mark as broken

Add chapter

  1. In your reading list click Add.
  2. Select Search the Library.
  3. Search for the title of the book chapter.
  4. Locate the chapter you would like to add.
  5. Click and drag it into the desired section (or click the + sign to view and edit any details first).
  6. Once added, click the entry to see more detail, and add any student notes and a tag. 
    1. Select either Required or Recommended.

Highlighted menu item: search the library

Can't find the chapter?

If you are unable to find the chapter in FiNDit, follow the steps below.

  1. Click Add.
  2. Select Search the Library.
  3. Search for the book title.
  4. Locate the eBook and click on the title.
    1. Select the desired section.
    2. Click Add & Edit.
  5. Navigate to the type field.
  6. Select Book Chapter.
  7. Complete the required fields.
  8. In a separate browser tab, open the eBook and navigate to the required chapter. 
    1. Find and copy the shareable link.
 This will differ depending on the book platform. E.g. in eBook Central, right click on the chapter title in the contents page and select copy link address.
  1. Back in Leganto, go to the Links & Availability tab.
  2. Paste the copied link into the URL field.
  3. Hover over the first link on the page and select Hide Link.
  4. Click Save.
 When your students click on this resource to view online while on campus, they will go directly to the book chapter.

Highlighted sections: hide link and URL field 

Reporting a broken link

  1. Hover over the reading in your list and click the Full details link.
  2. Under the Links & Availability tab, hover over the broken link.
  3. Click Mark as broken.
  4. Add in any details or screenshots into the comment box.

Highlighted link: mark as broken

Image - Checklist


 The Library does not digitise chapters upon request. If you are unable to scan a copy yourself, see the information at the bottom of this page for direction. 

 Upload file

  1. In your reading list, click Add.
  2. Select Upload Files.
  3. Drag and drop your scanned PDF into the grey box.
  4. When the fields load, go to the Type field and select Book Chapter.
  5. Enter the chapter title.
  6. Select This file will be reviewed by the library for copyright compliance.

Highlighted fields: type, chapter title and copyright declaration

Complete the Copyright step

  1. Complete the Copyright information by entering the chapter number and page range information. 
  2. If your scan includes any images, tick the box.
  3. Click Next.

Highlighted fields: chapters, page from, page to, and tickbox to include images

  1. Complete the required fields.
  2. Click Next and select the desired section.
  3. Under the Information for Students section, add any student notes.
  4. Add a tag.
    1. Select either Required or Recommended.
  5. Click Add.
 Do not select the "I will provide a personal copy to the library" option.

Highlighted fields: note for students and add tag

Request a scanned copy

If you are unable to provide your own scanned copy, the library will scan it for you. 
Follow the steps below.

  1. In your reading list, click Add.
  2. Select Manual Entry.
  3. In the Type field select Book Chapter.
  4. Enter the chapter title.
  5. Click Next.

Highlighted fields: type and chapter title

  1. Complete the book and chapter details in the required fields.
  2. Click Next.
  3. Under the Information for Students section, add any student notes.
  4. Add a tag.
    1. Select either Required or Recommended.
  5. Click Add.
  1. Once the item has been added, hover over the citation in your list and click Full Details.

Highlighted link: full details

  1. Go to the Library Discussion tab and enter any relevant information for your request (e.g. I am unable to provide a scanned copy of this chapter, please obtain a copy). 
  2. Click Send.

Highlighted sections: library discussion and note to library

Option A: Expand your search

If you were unable to find the book or article that you require in the library's collection, try expanding your search.

  1. In your reading list click Add.
  2. Select Search the Library.
  3. Tick the box to Expand search beyond the Library's collection.

Highlighted tick box: expand search beyond the library's collection

  1. Enter your search terms (e.g. title, author, keyword).
  2. Locate the correct resource in the list.
  3. Click on the blue dots to drag it into the desired section (or click add & edit to view or edit any details).

Drag icon: 6 white dots in blue half circle

  1. Once added, click the resource to see more detail and add any student notes and a tag. 
    1. Select either Required or Recommended.
 Adding either of these tags will trigger an automatic purchase request on your behalf.

Option B: Manual entry

If you are still unable to locate the resource, submit a form.

  1. In your reading list click Add.
  2. Select Manual Entry.
  3. Select the material type (e.g. book, article, book chapter).
  4. Type the full title and click Next.
  5. Enter in as much detail about the item as possible and click Next.
  6. Select the desired section.
  7. Add a tag.
    1. Select either Required or Recommended.
  8. Click Add.

Highlighted fields: type and title