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Reading Lists: Guide for Academic Staff

Create a reading list

Login to Blackboard

  1. Go to the relevant course.
  2. Go to the Learning Material section.
  3. In the menu click Tools More Tools.
  4. Select Leganto Reading List - start here.
  5. Click Submit.

Click on the Blackboard tool "Leganto Reading lists - start here"

Access Leganto

  1. The link will now appear in your Learning Materials page.
  2. Click the link to get to the Leganto dashboard, embedded within Blackboard.

Icon: Leganto reading lists - start here

 This link will need to be created each new study period. 
 If you have already created a list, or a previous one has been rolled over for you, you will not need to create a new one. Go straight to Editing an existing list or Add resources to a listIf this is your first list, follow the steps below:

Create list

  1. Once you have clicked on the Leganto Reading List link in Blackboard, from the dashboard click Create List.
  2. Type the full course name into the List name field. 
  3. Add a List description if required.

Button: create list

Link to your course 

  1. Click in the box under Link to your Course.
    1. Start typing your course code, and select the correct code for your campus and study period.
  2. Click Next.

Pop up box: complete course name and link to course fields

Select a template 

  1. Click the dropdown menu under Organise list by and select a template. 
  2. Change the number of sections if applicable (e.g. add more weeks).
  3. Click Create List.

pop up box: select sections template

Add, edit or remove sections

Depending on the template you selected, you may want to add additional sections.

  1. Click Add.
  2. Select New section.
  3. Give the section a title (e.g. Week 10).
  4. If required, give the section a description (this can be used to give more detail or instruction about that week's readings)
  5. From the drop down menu, select where the section should go.
  6. Click Add.

To rename a section, or give it a description:

  1. Hover over the top of your section and click on the section menu [...]
  2. Click Edit section
  3. Edit the fields as required
  4. Click Save

To reorder sections:

  1. Hover over the arrow to the left of the section and click the square icon.
  2. Drag section into the desired position.

Drag icon: 6 blue dots