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Finding full text

Locating full text links

The best place to start looking for full text items is with FiNDit on the home page of the Library

  1. Findit screenshotPaste the full title into the search box, and click the Search button
    1. OR try pasting the author surname and the article title, and click Search
  2. Refine the results by using filters at the left of the screen:
    1. Full Text Online
    2. Journal Articles or Books & eBooks
  3. You can also use the Find Item link at top of the FiNDit page to enter details into the Citation Linker

Journal article - download from FiNDit

  1. Findit screenshotClick on the Download PDF icon and save to your computer
    1. Or follow the Available Online link to be taken to the HTML version in a database
  2. The database page may also provide a PDF link

You can apply a Full text filter or limit to your database searches

Depending on the database you may have to apply the Full text  filter before or after your search.

If the full text option isn't visible you may need to go to the advanced search option. To view examples of filter locations to look for in popular databases, click on the images below.

EBSCO platform Ovid (includes Medline) PubMed
EBSCO screenshot Ovid screenshot PubMed thumbnail

Databases may offer PDF or HTML downloads

PDF downloads look like the printed version of the article with pagination (often easier to use for referencing). HTML versions will look like web pages.

Look for options or icons such as PDF, download, or export. They can appear at the top of the article, the bottom of the article, or in side panels. To view examples of some popular database download options, click on the images below.

Sometimes the database link will take you to the journal homepage, not directly to the article. To find the article:

  1. Take note of the issue or volume number, the year, and the title and author details from your FiNDit search or the citation.
  2. Once on the journal homepage look for a "search all issues" or "search within this journal" option
  3. Paste the article title or author name, and search
  4. Alternatively, if there is an option to browse an archive of previous issues, drill down using year, volume, and issue number to find the particular issue that contains your article
  5. On a page with an issue's table of contents you can use Ctrl-F  (Command-F on a Mac) to search for a word from the article title or the author surname.
EBSCO platform Sage Taylor & Francis
Sage screenshot Taylor and Francis screenshot
Visit the eBooks guide link provided below to find full instructions on searching for full text eBooks, and how to download or print PDF chapters (subject to publisher licensing). See highlights from this guide below, and click on the images to see details.


Search FiNDit for eBooks

  1. FiNDit screenshotEnter your search
  2. Filter by Resource Type. You may need to click Show More to find the relevant filter. Select Books & eBooks.
  3. Add the Full Text Online filter to show only eBooks in the results list (no print books).
  4. Consider filtering your results further, by Publication Date and Discipline.


Read online, download book or chapter

ebook screenshotYou may be able to get all you need from an eBook just by reading it in your browser, including utilising features, such as adding notes and highlighting. Click the Read Online button.

If available, there may be a Full Download or PDF Chapter Downloads option.