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Websites & online documents

Rule 7.15: Internet materials

General rules:

  • Author should only be included if an author is indicated on the web page being cited, such as when citing a blog post on an institutional blog. the author should be cited in accordance with Rule 4.1.
  • Document title should be treated like the title of a journal article (see Rule 5.2).
  • Websites should be treated like the title of a book (see Rule 6.2). Where the author and web page title are identical, the author should not be included.
  • Document types include 'Blog Post', 'Forum Post', etc. Where the document type of the source is not clear, 'Web Page' should be used.
  • Where available, full date of last update of the web page should be included after the document name. If not shown, the full date of creation should be included. Where there is no full date on the web page or document, as much of the full date as appears should be included. Where there is no date, the full date should be omitted.
  • Web pages do not usually include pinpoints. Pinpoints are paragraph numbers, which should be included in citations in square brackets.
  • URL should be included after the first reference to a source in accordance with rules 4.4-4.5
  • A source should only be cited according to this rule if it does not exist in a published form and no other rule within AGLC 4 applies to it.


First Footnote
1. James Edelman, High Court of Australia (Web Page) <>.

Titles of "standalone" documents (e.g. PDF, Word, PowerPoint, or other document formats ) on a website are italicised.
If the PDF is a report, parliamentary paper or journal article then you cite the document in accordance with the respective rule.
If not then please see Chapter 4 (General Rules for Citing Secondary Sources) of AGLC 4.

Parliamentary papers

First footnote

1. Law Reform Committee, Parliament of Victoria, Inquiry into Alternative Dispute Resolution and Restorative Justice (Final Report, May 2009) 26.


Law Reform Committee, Parliament of Victoria, Inquiry into Alternative Dispute Resolution and Restorative Justice (2009)

Generative AI

You must confirm whether the use of generative artificial intelligence (Gen-AI) has been explicitly allowed or is required in your assessment task. Otherwise, using Gen-AI to complete your assessment is a form of plagiarism and may also be a form of contract cheating under University policy.

AGLC4 does not provide guidelines specifically for artificial intelligence (AI)  but has offered interim guidance to follow rule 7.12 that covers written correspondenceIt is included in the bibliography (rule 1.13), under the "Other" heading.

  • The general format for an AI reference is: Type of correspondence, from Author to Recipient, Full Date, Pinpoint.
  • Text explaining the prompt that was used should be included in the footnote in accordance with rule 1.1.5. The full detail (including prompts and outputs) should also be included in an appendix.


Output from ChatGPT, OpenAI to Jane Jones, 21 April 2023. The output was generated in response to the prompt, "What is the history of the University of Notre Dame Australia law school?": See below Appendix C.