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Example of AGLC article cited in bibliography

Overview and authors

Rule 5: Journal articles
Should be cited as Author 'Title' (Year) Volume(Issue) Journal Starting page, Pinpoint.

This guide outlines the basics of citing articles. AGLC is medium neutral: there is no difference between a citation for a printed journal article or an online journal article. For more information consult AGLC Rule 5.

General notes

  • Authors' names should appear exactly as they do in the source.  This may result in multiple works by the same author being cited differently according to the source, Rule 1.13.
  • In a bibliography the first author's name should be inverted with the family name first, Rule 1.13.
  • Full stops should only be used at the end of a sentence or a footnote, Rule 1.6.1.
  • No full stops used after initials or in abbreviations, Rule 1.5.1.

First footnote
6. Maha Chaar, 'Timor-Leste v Australia: The Impact of International Law on the Current and the Future Arrangements in the Timor Sea' (2018) 92(8) Australian Law Journal 619.

Subsequent footnotes
7. Ibid 621.
20. Chaar  (n 6) 628.

Chaar, Maha, 'Timor-Leste v Australia: The Impact of International Law on the Current and the Future Arrangements in the Timor Sea' (2018) 92(8) Australian Law Journal 619

First footnote 
21. Michael Jeffery and Ying Shen, 'The Likelihood of a Carbon Tax in China: Wishful Thinking or a Real Possibility?' (2012) 25(2) Tulane Environmental Law Journal 419, 425.

Subsequent footnotes
22. Ibid 420.
24. Jeffery and Shen (n 21) 430.

Jeffery, Michael and Ying Shen, 'The Likelihood of a Carbon Tax in China: Wishful Thinking or a Real Possibility?' (2012) 25(2) Tulane Environmental Law Journal 419

Rule 1.4: Subsequent references 
If citing two articles with same author both surname of the author and the title or the short title (where one has been introduced in accordance with rule 1.4.4) should be provided.

First footnote 

10. Joan Squelch and Duncan Bentley, 'Preparing Law Graduates for a Globalised World' (2017) 51(1) Law Teacher 2, 14.

12. Joan Squelch, 'Religious Symbols and Clothing in the Workplace: Balancing the Respective Rights of Employees and Employers' (2013) 20(2) Murdoch University Law Review 38, 40.

Subsequent footnotes 

14. Squelch and Duncan (n10).
20. Squelch 'Religious Symbols and Clothing in the Workplace' (n 12) 42 .


Squelch, Joan, 'Religious Symbols and Clothing in the Workplace: Balancing the Respective Rights of Employees and Employers' (2013) 20(2) Murdoch University Law Review 38

Squelch, Joan and Duncan Bentley,  'Preparing Law Graduates for a Globalised World' (2017) 51(1) Law Teacher 2

Online journals

Rule 5.10: Articles published in online journals
Articles in journals which are only available online should, if possible, be cited as articles in printed journals however it is often not possible to include a volume number, issue number or starting page.

Pinpoint references should adhere to rules 1.1.6-1.1.7.
PDF format: page range should reflect the numbering of the PDF (eg '1-15').
When paragraph numbers are used rather than page numbers use square brackets [x] to pinpoint to paragraph numbers.

First footnote
7. Bertus De Villers,' 'AIRBNB’ in Western Australia: New Issues for Policy Makers Arising From a ‘Disruptive Innovation' (2017) 19 The University of Notre Dame Australia Law Review 3.

Subsequent footnotes
 9. Ibid 5.
14. De Villers (n 7) 11.

De Villers, Bertus, ' 'AIRBNB’ in Western Australia: New Issues for Policy Makers Arising From a ‘Disruptive Innovatation' (2017) 19 The University of Notre Dame Australia Law Review 3


Rule 7.11.1: Printed newspapers

Author, 'Title', Newspaper (Place of Publication, Full Date), Pinpoint.
If the article is in a named section with its own numbering sequence add the name of the Section before the name of the Newspaper: Author, 'Title' Section, Newspaper (Place of Publication, Full Date), Pinpoint.

First footnote

82. Stephanie Peatling, 'Female Chief Justice Rewrites the Script'. The Age (Melbourne, 31 January 2017) 6.

Subsequent footnotes

83. Peatling (n 82) 8.


Peatling, Stephanie, 'Female Chief Justice Rewrites the Script', The Age (Melbourne 31 January 2017)

Rule 7.11.2: Electronic newspapers
Electronic newspaper articles should be cited as follows: Author, 'Title', Newspaper (online, Full Date) Pinpoint <URL>.
Pinpoint reference should only be included where the article has pages or paragraphs.
A URL be included after full date (or any pinpoint reference) in accordance with rule 4.4 - 4.5.

First footnote

86. Farrah Tomazin , 'Kinder Wages Breakthrough', The Age (online at 19 May 2009) <>.


Tomazin, Farrah, 'Kinder Wages Breakthrough',The Age (online at 19 May 2009) <>

Rule 7.11.3: Periodicals, newsletters, and magazines
For newsletters or intermittent periodicals where issue is defined by reference to a date/month/season rather than volume and issue or year and issue need to cite them as: Author, 'Title' (Date/Month/Season) Periodical/Newsletter/Magazine Name Pinpoint

First footnote

89. Jill Lepore, 'The History Test' (27 March 2017) The New Yorker 66.

Subsequent footnotes
90. Lepore (n 89) 67.


Lepore, Jill, 'The History Test' (27 March 2017) The New Yorker 66

Rule 7.11.4:  Unsigned and untitled articles and editorials

Untitled articles - Use a description of the piece instead of the title ('Letter to the Editor').

Author, 'Description', (Date/Month/Season) Periodical/Newsletter/ Magazine Name  Pinpoint.

Unsigned articles - Omit the author.

'Title', (Date/Month/Season) Periodical/Newsletter/ Magazine Name  Pinpoint.

Editorials - Use the Editorial instead of author.

Editorial, 'Title', (Date/Month/Season) Periodical/Newsletter/ Magazine Name  Pinpoint.

First footnote

90. 'Fury at WA Council Plan'. The Australian Financial Review (Sydney, 1 May 2006) 5.
91. Editorial, 'Medicare by Name, No Longer by Nature'. News, The Age (Melbourne, 12 March 2004) 12.
92. Rose Healy, Letter to the Editor, The Herald Sun (Melbourne, 10 June 2002) 16.

Subsequent footnotes

93. Ibid 18.
94. Healy (n 92) 17.


'Fury at WA Council Plan', The Australian Financial Review (Sydney, 1 May 2006) 5
Editorial, 'Medicare by Name, No Longer by Nature' , News, The Age (Melbourne, 12 March 2004) 12
Healy, Rose, Letter to the Editor, The Herald Sun (Melbourne, 10 June 2002) 16