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University Library Logo


About fines

Like most libraries and all university libraries, the Library imposes a financial penalty upon borrowers who fail to return loans by the designated due date.

We do this to create an incentive to honour the agreement borrowers make when they loan the materials. Prompt returns of borrowed materials ensures that all students and staff have equal access to the University Library assets.

How are fines calculated? 


Main Collection
Standard loan items
  • Late fees are not charged on Main Collection items.
  • Items overdue by 14 days will incur a lost replacement fee*
Recalled Items
Items requested by another borrower
  • $3.00 per day per item. 
  • Items overdue by 7 days will incur an additional lost replacement fee*
  • Late fees remain on these itemsThese items cannot be renewed.  
Course Reserves
2 hour loan items
  • $2.00 per hour or part thereof. 
  • Items overdue by 7 days will incur an additional lost replacement fee*
  • Late fees remain on these items.  These items cannot be renewed.  
4 hour loan items
  • Late fees are not charged on Equipment items.
  • Items overdue by 7 days will incur an additional lost replacement fee*
  • These items cannot be renewed.  
Community Borrowing
Community, Reciprocal and Alumni members
  • $1.00 per day per item for standard loan items. $2.00 per hour for equipment. $3.00 per day per item for recalled items.
  • Items overdue by 14 days will incur an additional lost replacement fee*
    • All late fees remain on items borrowed by community borrowers. 
Interlibrary Loans
Items borrowed or lent to another participating institution

For Notre Dame students

  • Any late or replacement costs are at the discretion of the lending institution. 

For institutions borrowing from Notre Dame

  • Items overdue by 14 days will incur a lost replacement fee*

*Replacement fees are waived if items are returned before the Library purchases a replacement.

All borrowing privileges will be suspended until overdue items are returned or resolved. 

When do I have to pay fines? 

Fines accrue from year to year and need to be paid if you accumulate $12 or more. Your borrowing privileges will be suspended until you have paid the amount in full and returned any outstanding items. 

Recalled and high demand items are subject to payment of late fees. All other fees will be waived if the item is returned and you are a current student or staff member. 

Lost books will appear as a hold in your Student Centre and will prevent access to view your academic results. This will remain until all lost items are returned and all fees or replacement costs are resolved. 

How do I pay fines?

IMPORTANT NOTE: Due to a current IT issue, the payment portal is not available and library fines must be paid directly to the Fees Office. 

Notre Dame students, staff and alumni can pay their fines at their campus Fees Office, or online through the links below.

Community and reciprocal borrowers will need to pay fines over the phone by calling (08) 9433 0542.

Any queries can be sent to 


How can I avoid fines?

Use your Library Account to keep track of your current loans or recalled items and to renew your items if necessary. 

You can access your account by clicking on the My Library Account link on the library homepage, in the top right corner of any fiNDit search page, or by clicking the link below. 

If you are unsure about your loans or fines, contact your campus library directly or send us a questions through our Chat service. 

Automatic renewals

If you are a research student or academic staff member, your loans will be automatically renewed 2 days before their due date provided they meet automatic loan renewal criteria.

Your loans will not qualify for automatic loan renewal if:

  • Your loan is a course reserve or interlibrary loan
  • Your loan has been recalled, is overdue, has a lost or claimed returned status
  • Your loan has reached the maximum loan renewal duration
  • You have blocks on your account or Library fines of $12 or over
  • Your Library account will expire soon

The majority of items held in each of the University Libraries are available for loan and are able to be renewed.

Why can't I renew all of the books on loan to me?

Some items are classed as short term loans and cannot be renewed. Other items may have been recalled and cannot be renewed. These items must be returned by their due date to avoid fines.

You can read more about recalled items at the link below.