Previously known as EndNote Web - now just called EndNote Online - this is a web version of the EndNote desktop software. It can be used to enhance the usability of the desktop version* or as a standalone reference management product. The three main advantages of using the desktop and online versions together are:
*Notre Dame staff and students are able to download the desktop version free of charge.
NOTE: Please do not move or rename your EndNote library files after they are synchronized, as this will disrupt the link to the Sync target library
To enable syncing between your EndNote desktop and your EndNote Online account, you must have registered for an EndNote web account and have Syncing enabled on your EndNote desktop version.
If you meet both of these conditions, select the Sync Configuration in the toolbar and the sync should occur automatically.
If you have an EndNote web account and your desktop library is not automatically syncing to it, you need to set your Syncing Preferences:
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