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AMA Referencing (Vancouver)

Common health resources

Database - clinical decision tool

Use this format if:

  • You are citing an entry in an online clinicians' decision support tool or evidence-based practice database.

Minimum information needed (in bold):

  • Author(s) (if available)
  • Entry title (not in italics, in sentence case)
  • Database title (not in italics, in Title Case)
  • Date of publication or most recent update
  • Accessed date
  • URL

Important notes:

  • The AMA Manual of Style does not have a specific examples for referencing clinical decision tools and drug monographs. The following are suggestions by Notre Dame University  Library
  • If there are no authors, begin with the title of the entry.
  • Due to the nature of clinical decision tools, an updated date should always be acknowledged for pinpointed information (i.e. information from any given entry) - if you do not have a date last updated, use "Updated date unknown". For references to the entire work, only the date of publication and access date is required.


BMJ Best Practice

Reference list

  1. Barnett E. Measles infection. BMJ Best Practice. Updated March 2020. Accessed July 6, 2020.


Reference list

  1. Beatriz M. Skin cancer prevention: Education and information. JBI ConNECT.  Updated March 3, 2020. Accessed Sep 6, 2020.


Reference list

  1. Gans H, Maldonado YA. Measles. Epidemiology and transmission. UpToDate. Updated January 8, 2020. Accessed July 6, 2020.

eTG Complete

Reference list

  1. Gout. Therapeutic Guidelines. Updated December 2019.  Accessed July 6, 2020.

Database - drug database

Use this format if:

  • You are citing an entry in an online drug information database.

Minimum information needed (in bold):

  • Author(s) (if available)
  • Entry title (not in italics, in sentence case)
  • Database title (not in italics, in Title Case)
  • Published date (at least year, if available) OR Updated date (if different to published date - at least year, if available)
  • Accessed date
  • URL

Important notes:

  • If there are no authors, begin with the title of the entry.
  • As the AMA manual recommends citing databases as a whole, this pattern is based on a combination of the formats for databases and book chapters in order to pinpoint direct a direct entry in the database.


Australian Medicines Handbook (AMH)

Reference list

  1. Paracetamol. Australian Medicines Handbook. Updated January, 2020. Accessed July 6, 2020.


Reference list

  1. ​Panadeine forte. AusDI. Accessed July 6, 2020.

Australian Injectable Drug Handbook

Reference list

  1. Intravenous fluids. Australian Injectable Drug Handbook. 8th ed. Accessed July 6, 2020.

Dictionary or encyclopaedia

AMA Manual cover[23.2]

Use this format if:

  • You are using an entry from a encyclopaedia, medical dictionary or similar reference work
  • Note: This is the same pattern used for a book chapter

Minimum information needed (in bold):

  • Author(s) (if available)
  • Chapter Title (not in italics, in sentence case)
  • Editor(s) (if available)
  • Encyclopaedia/dictionary title (in italics, in Title Case)
  • Volume number 
  • Edition number
  • Publisher's name
  • Latest copyright year
  • Inclusive page numbers
  • DOI or URL (if online)
  • Accessed date (if online - only if using URL)

Important notes:

  • You may not have a named author for the entry, or a named editor for the book.
  • Contributors to encyclopedia and dictionaries are sometimes indicated by initials at the end of the entries - always try to find an author rather than assuming there isn't one simply because you cannot see a name in an obvious location.
  • Online books may not have page numbers.
  • As the AMA manual recommends citing dictionaries and encyclopaedia as a whole, this pattern is based on a combination of the formats for databases and book chapters in order to pinpoint direct a direct entry.


Reference list

  1. Carcinogen. In: Porter M, ed. Dictionary of Epidemiology. 4th ed. Oxford University Press; 2008. Accessed July 6, 2020.
  2. Singh HK, Glesby MJ. Antiretroviral therapy: When to start. In: Hope TJ, Richman DD, Stevenson M. eds. Encyclopedia of AIDS. Springer; 2018. Accessed July 6, 2020.