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What is Scopus Author ID?

The University subscribes to the Scopus database which allows a researcher to manage and track impact for their research outputs published by Elsevier. To find your Scopus Author ID, login to Scopus - see link below - and use the Author search to find your profile.

Scopus distinguishes between authors with the same name by giving each author a separate Author ID and grouping together all the documents written by that author.

Scopus Author ID is automatically generated if you have a paper in the Scopus database, so registration for a Scopus Author ID is not required.

Having a Scopus Author ID gives you the following benefits:

  • Automatic author identification within Scopus
  • Allows you to easily see a list of your publications and view citation metrics such as h-index measures, citation counts, publications and co-authors.
  • Scopus Author ID can be linked to ORCID so publications can be imported into your ORCID.


Scopus Author ID has the following limitations:

  • Author profile information may not be accurate, however an author may give feedback to correct this. See link below for FAQs
  • Only includes authors that have papers published in journals indexed by Scopus/Elsevier*
  • Cannot attach publications from other sources to your Scopus Author ID

It is worth noting that there is no single tool for a researcher to gain a complete picture of their outputs and impact.

You will be automatically assigned a Scopus Author ID when you publish in a journal indexed by Scopus.

See how you can conduct search within Scopus using the Scopus Author ID and other elements. The tutorials provided on the page linked below outline how you can create an author search, view author details, find variations of an author's name, group names of authors with a selected author, view documents that have cited a selected author and view author performance information.

The Support Center by Scopus provides instructions on how to:

  • Correct author details
  • Find and group potential author matches
  • Add a missing document
  • Create of correct an affiliation profile
  • Add missing citations