(Cowie, 2019) OR Cowie (2019)
Reference list
Cowie, H. (2019). From birth to sixteen: Children's health, social, emotional and linguistic development. Routledge.
(Kaza, 2014) OR Kaza (2014)
Reference list
Kaza, S. (2018). What a waste 2.0: A global snapshot of solid waste management to 2050. World Bank Group.
(Remley & Herlihy, 2020) OR Remley and Herlihy (2020)
Reference list
Remley, T. P., & Herlihy, B. (2020). Ethical, legal, and professional issues in counseling (6th ed.). Pearson.
(Duggan & Murphy, 2019) OR Duggan and Murphy (2019)
Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (2020). Title of book (2nd ed., Vol. 4). Publisher Name.
Editor, E. E., & Editor, F. F. (Eds.). (2019). Title of book (2nd ed.). Publisher name. https://xxxx
Reference list
Duggan, W., & Murphy, A. (2019). The art of ideas: Creative thinking for work and life. Columbia University Press.
In-text citation
(Nankervis et al., 2019) OR Nankervis et al. (2019)
Reference list
Nankervis, A. R., Baird, M., Coffey, J., & Shields, J. (2019). Human resource management: Strategy and practice (10th ed.). Cengage.
In-text citation
(Phillips et al., 2020) OR Phillips et al. (2020)
Reference list
Phillips, L. G., Ritchie, J., Dynevor, L., Lambert, J., & Moroney, K. (2020). Young children’s community building in action: Embodied, emplaced and relational citizenship. Routledge.
Book (20 or more authors)
(Billingham et al., 2020) OR Billingham et al. (2020)
Reference list
Billingham, A., Aroosh, L., Tinto, Q., Deven, M., Dune, M., Farook, J., Henry, Z., Okomoto, V., Saunters, F., Mirza, J., Arnold, J., Sharma, K., Stevens, D., David, T., Martin, C., Douglas, V., Chand, S. M., Matt, T., Vose, Y., . . . Arathimos, C. (2020). Precious manuscripts of Asia. Oerdmans.
Book with no author
(Davidson's Principles and Practice of Medicine, 2018) OR Davidson's Principles and Practice of Medicine (2018)
Reference list
Davidson's principles and practice of medicine. (2018). (23rd ed.). Elsevier.
Chapter in edited Book
(Barker et al. 2019) OR Barker et al. (2019)
Reference list
Barker, T., Putra, D., & Wiranatha, A. (2019). Authenticity and commodification of Balinese dance performances. In M.K. Smith & M. Robinson (Eds.), Cultural tourism in a changing world: Politics, participation and (re)presentation (pp. 215-224). Mulitilingual Matters.
Chapter in edited eBook
(Hosking, 2019) OR Hosking (2019)
Reference list
Hosking, G. (2019). The decline of trust in government. In M. Sasaki (Ed.), Trust in contemporary society (pp. 77-103).
Organisation or Corporate Author
(Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development [OECD] et al., 2018) OR Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development et al. (OECD, 2018)
Reference list
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, World Health Organization, & World Bank Group. (2018). Delivering quality health services: A global imperative for universal coverage.
Authors with the same surname
D. Kim (2018) and S. Kim (2017) assert that....
Multiple works by same author in a single year
Creswell (2018a) or (Creswell, 2018a)
Creswell (2018b) or (Creswell, 2018b)
Reference List
Creswell, J. W. (2018a). Designing and conducting mixed methods research (3rd ed.). SAGE Publications.
Creswell, J. W. (2018b). Qualitative inquiry & research design: Choosing among five approaches (4th ed.). SAGE Publications.
Source within a source
Yengyoyan's work (1987) as cited in Phillips et al. (2019) regards kin classification to be the basis of social structure for Aboriginal people (p. 212).
Reference list
Phillips, G. L, Ritchie, J., Dynevor, L., Lambert, J., & Moroney, K. (2019). Young children's community building in action: Embodied, emplaced and relational citizenship. Routledge.
No date
(Weber, n.d.) OR Weber (n.d.)
Reference list
Weber, C. (n.d.). Romanticism and parenting: Image, instruction and ideology. Cambridge Scholars.
Travis, C.B., & White, J.W. (Eds.). (2018). APA handbook of the psychology of women: Vol.1. History, theory, and battlegrounds. American Psychological Association.
Author, A. A., & Author, B, B. (2020).Title of book (2nd ed., Vol. 4). Publisher Name.
Book translated from the original
Original-Author (2020/1957) or Original-Author (2020/1957)
Reference list
Original-Author, A. A.(2020). Title of book (T. Translator, Trans. 2nd ed.). Publisher Name. (Original work published in 1957).
Book edited and translated from the original
Dickens (2019/1920) or Dickens (2019/1920)
Reference list
Dickens, C. (2019). A tale of two cities (J. Blogs, Ed. & Trans.). Publisher Name. (Original work published in 1859).
Chapter in an edited book translated from the original
Original-Author, A. A.(2018). Title of the chapter (T. Translator, Trans.). In E.E. Editor (Ed.). Title of the book ( pp.123-213). Publisher Name. (Original work published in 1979).
Guptill informs us that "many of the rules of formal writing exist to promote clarity and precision which writers much achieve in order to effectively convey ideas, evidence, and arguments" (Guptill, 2016, Getting the Mechanics Right section , para. 1.)
Reference list:
Guptill, A. (2016). Writing in College: From competence to excellence. Open SUNY Textbooks.
Reference list
Storey, J., Ulrich, D., & Wright, P. M. (2019). Strategic human resource management: A research overview. Routledge.
(Note: Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis Group).
Two or more publishers
McLaughlin, M. A. S. (2019). Cardiovascular care made incredibly easy (4th ed.). Wolters Kluwer Health; Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
Publisher as author
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development [OECD]. (2019). OECD Economic Surveys: New Zealand 2019.
eBook with a DOI
Reference list
Wenzel, A. (2019). Cognitive behavioral therapy for beginners: An experiential learning approach. Routledge.
eBook with no DOI from the Internet
Reference list
Hosier, A., Bullis, D., Bernnard, D., Bobish, G., Holden, I., Hecker, J. P., Loney, T. & Jacobson, T. (2014). The information literacy user's guide: An open, online textbook. Open Textbook Library.
eBook with no DOI from a library database (example from JSTOR:
Reference list
Dibden, J. (2019). Drawing in the land: Rock art in the Upper Nepean, Sydney Basin, New South Wales. ANU Press.
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