Paraphrasing, summarising, or quoting [8.1] are all ways that you can incorporate other people's ideas into your work. Whenever you write about an idea, theory or aspect of research which is not your own original work you must attribute the source you used to avoid plagiarism and to acknowledge the contribution of others to your own research. Use an in-text citation (also called an in-text reference) to indicate where those ideas have come from together with a complete list of references at the end of your work for all the materials you have cited.
For more information on academic writing, such as using paraphrasing and quotations, refer to the the APA 7th Grammar & Style Guidelines pages, or the NDSC's Successful Academic Writing guide.
Components of in-text citations
Author and Date
The two main components of an in-text citation when paraphrasing and summarising are the author name(s) and the date.
An in-text citation can take two forms:
Narrative citations occur when the information being quoted is incorporated into the text as part of the sentence for example,
"Smith (2019) states that......"
Parenthetical citations are when the author(s) name and publication date both appear in brackets, either within, or at the end of the sentence, for example,
(Smith, 2019).
Page or paragraph number
If you are directly quoting from the source, you must also include the page number, or if no page number is provided, give a paragraph number using the abbreviation "para." (e.g. Biddle, 2013, para. 6) and enclose the quote in double quotation marks. For long quotations use the block quotation format, and in this case quotation marks are not needed.
Short Quotation
Rossiter (2019) postulates that “if there was no significant child obesity problem in the preregulation era when children were exposed to more junk food advertising than they are today, how can today's junk‐food advertising possibly be blamed for today's problem?" (p. 280-281).
"There is a significant relationship between consumers’ culture and self-oriented (personal) values with respect to purchase of sustainable luxury fashion goods" (Jain, 2019, p.134).
Block quotation
Nilsson (2019) states:
The development of urban bicycle tourism may be viewed as an innovative process based on incremental change in local and regional socio-technological mobility systems. In order to understand the role of tourism in it, such a system needs to be treated holistically. Changes in local transport systems including modal split between means of transport are influenced by a wide range of material and non-material factors. This means that to understand the role of cycling and tourist cycling in an urban context, a view involving several different perspectives needs to be applied. (p. 1652)
...of material and non-material factors. This means that to understand the role of cycling and tourist cycling in an urban context, a view involving several different perspectives needs to be applied. (Nilsson, 2019, p.1652)
While many students found that grades were important, not all considered them a meaningful measure of success at university (Picton et al., 2018).
According to Picton et al. (2018) many students found that grades were important, not all considered them a meaningful measure of success at university.
Multiple works by different authors
This theory has been disproved by others, who claim that the sky is not always blue (Barnes & Seung, 2017; Chan, 2019; Kimberley, 2010).
Kimberley (2010), Chan (2019), and Barnes and Seung (2017) all agree that the sky is not always blue.
Citing multiple works by same author
Arrange citations by year of publication with no date first followed by dates in chronological order.
Pilbara Development Commission (n.d., 2000, 2016, 2019)
McGill (2017a, 2017b, 2019)
Firoz et al. (2014, 2016, 2019)
Number of authors to include in in-text citations [8.17]: The format of the author part of the in-text citation varies depending on how many authors are attributed to the work and the citation style.
In-text |
Narrative: First use in text |
Narrative: Subsequent uses |
Parenthetical: First use in text |
Parenthetical: Subsequent uses |
One author |
Cowie (2019) |
Cowie (2019) |
(Cowie, 2019) |
(Cowie, 2019) |
Two authors |
Remley and Herlihy (2020) |
Remley and Herlihy (2020) |
(Remley & Herlihy, 2020) |
(Remley & Herlihy, 2020) |
Three or more |
Motevalli et al. (2013) |
Motevalli et al. (2013) |
(Motevalli et al., 2013) |
(Motevalli et al., 2013) |
Groups/ |
World Health Organization (WHO, 2020) |
WHO (2020) |
(World Health Organization [WHO], 2020) |
(WHO, 2020) |
For a work with one or two authors, include the author names in every citation; for a work with three or more authors, include the name of the first author plus "et al", meaning "and others" in every citation.
Where the citation style gives the author's names in brackets (parenthetical citations), use an ampersand "&" between the names of authors.
Where the citation is included as part of the sentence (narrative), use the word "and" between the names of authors.
Where in-text citations form part of a table or figure, always use an ampersand "&" between the names of authors.
These same rules apply also when the author is an organisation rather than an individual.
Works with the same author and same date [8.19]: When multiple references have an identical author (or authors) and publication date, include a lower case letter after the year. The year-letter combination is used in both the in-text citation and the reference list entry.
Hall (2019a) or (Hall, 2019a)
Hall (2019b) or (Hall, 2019b)
Reference list
Hall, M. C. (2019a). Constructing sustainable tourism development: The 2030 agenda and the managerial ecology of sustainable tourism. Journal of Sustainable Tourism. 27(7), 1044-1060.
Hall, M. C. (2019b). Tourism and rewilding: An introduction - definition, issues and review. Journal of Ecotourism. 18(4), 297-308.
Authors with the same surname [8.20]: If authors within a single reference share the same surname, initials are not included in the in-text citation. If the first authors of multiple references have the same surname as well as initials, cite the works in the standard author-date format. If the first authors of different works share same surname but different initials, include the initials of the first authors' in all the in-text citations, even if the year of publication is different.
Authors with same surname - single reference
Ryan and Ryan (2020) or (Ryan & Ryan, 2020)
First authors with same surname and initials - multiple references
Hall et al. (2018), Hall and Singh (2018) and Sharma (2019) or (Hall et al., 2019; Hall & Singh, 2018 & Sharma, 2019)
First authors with same surname, different initials - multiple references
J. Kim and Seo, (2019) and M. Kim et al. (2020) or (J. Kim & Seo, 2019 & M. Kim et al., 2020)
Reference list
Kim, J., & Seo, Y. (2019). An evolutionary perspective on risk taking in tourism. Journal of Travel Research, 58(8), 1235-1248.
Kim, M. J., Lee, C.-K., & Jung, T. (2020). Exploring consumer behavior in virtual reality tourism using an extended stimulus-organism-response model. Journal of Travel Research, 59(1), 69-89.
Group authors [8.21]: If a reference has a group author such as an organisation's name, it can be abbreviated if the abbreviation is commonly known or it will appear more than three times in the document.
Provide the full name of the group on the first mention in the text, followed by the abbreviation in round brackets where the citation appears in the narrative; or in square brackets where it appears in a parenthetical citation. See the APA website for more information.
In the reference list, do not use the abbreviated form of the name - spell out the full name of the organisation.
If the citation has three or more group authors, the in-text citation is shortened using "et al" after the first group author.
Narrative use
World Health Organisation (WHO, 2020), and for subsequent uses, WHO (2020)
Parenthetical use
(World Health Organisation [WHO], 2020), and for subsequent uses, (WHO, 2020)
Source within a source
Yengyoyan's work (1987) as cited in Phillips et al. (2019) regards kin classification to be the basis of social structure for Aboriginal people (p. 212).
Reference list
Phillips, G. L, Ritchie, J., Dynevor, L., Lambert, J., & Moroney, K. (2019). Young children's community building in action: Embodied, emplaced and relational citizenship. Routledge.
Interviews [8.7, 8.9, 8.36]: An interview is a dialogue or exchange of information between people.
Published interviews can appear in many places: magazines; newspapers; radio broadcast or podcast episode; YouTube video; TV show or transcript of a video or audio recording. To cite a published interview, refer to the format for that type of reference. The person being interviewed will not necessarily appear as the author of the reference. Where this is the case, integrate the person's name into the narrative of the sentence if needed.
Personal interviews are those conducted by yourself to obtain information and to support a key point in your paper, for example, an email requesting information. As readers cannot retrieve this type of interview, cite it as a Personal communication. Personal interviews are not included in the reference list; only cited as in-text references. Give the initial(s) and surname of the communicator and provide an exact a date as possible using the format given below.
Research participant interviews are those conducted as part of your methodology in your own research. They do not require a citation because you do not cite your own work in the paper in which it is first being reported. However, information and quotations taken from research participant interviews can be included in your paper, following the formatting guidelines for Direct quote.
Published interviews
(Goldwater, 2020) OR Goldwater (2020)
Reference list
Goldwater, M. (2020, February 23). Dr Micah Goldwater discusses pseudoscience [Interview]. All in the mind with Sana Qadar: Suckers for pseudoscience. [Radio broadcast]. ABC Radio National.
Personal interviews
Narrative citation: T. Nguyen (personal communication, February 24, 2020)
Parenthetical citation: (T. Nguyen, personal communication, February 24, 2020)
Research participant interviews
"Ruohong", for instance, best exemplified how the museum restaurant could fit the context of the museum and thus create a coherent food experience in the museum restaurants.
I suppose, to feature the same characteristics of the museum, the menu [and dishes] would be special and refer to the history of each dish presented in the museum. The decoration can also be improved. The visual elements, such as the entire design of the restaurant, the styles of the tables and chairs, and the waiters’ dresses, need to be uniquely and consistently related to the ones of the museum. Perhaps hang some introductions of the Hangzhou signature dishes on the wall in the restaurant, as if it is a small scale of museum.
Hubbard et al. (2018, Table 1) show the effects of varying amount of managerial power on the role of board of directors...
As shown in Table 1, zone 3 and 4 are low population density regions...
Figure 2 shows the market share of the mining industry remained stable ....
.......the results of the survey (see Table 3).
.......after market comparison (see Figures 4 and 5).
This romantic view of chivalry is also present in The Accolade (De La Sizeranne, 2012, p. 25), a prominent pre-Raphaelite painting.
For more information, see the section on basic components and formatting of tables and figures.
General principles for citations:
Only provide in-text citations and reference lists for items you have read and actually referred to in your own work, not for materials you have read but not used.
Cite primary sources where possible and secondary sources sparingly. See Secondary reference (source within a source) for further guidance.
Ideas that are well-known and accepted as common knowledge do not need to be cited. However, you should always cite any facts and figures you have used that are not common knowledge.
The number of citations you should include in your work depends upon the purpose of your work. For example, literature reviews will include a more exhaustive list of references as the review should aim to cover everything that has been written on the topic previously.
Even when sources cannot be retrieved, for example, because they are personal communications, they should still be credited in the text. See Personal Communications for further guidance. However, do not include online sources if they are no longer retrievable.
It is not necessary to repeat a citation if it is continuously referred to in the same paragraph under the same topic. Instead, cite the source in the first sentence in which it is relevant.
General mention of whole websites, journal titles, apps and common software in the text do not require a citation or reference list entry, for example, Microsoft Office; Instagram; Qualtrix; SPSS; Photoshop.
Quotations from your own research participants used in your research project do not need citations or reference list entries.
Cite the version of the work you actually used, as there may be several versions online. Ideally, you should use the final, published version of the work.
No author
"Translate 1967 Referendum" (2008) OR ("Translate 1967 Referendum", 2008)
Reference list
Translate 1967 Referendum goodwill into real change. (2008, June 4). Torres News, 17.
Author shown as "Anonymous"
(Anonymous, 2019) OR Anonymous (2019)
Reference list
Anonymous. (2019). Dignity and safety. Annals of Emergency Medicine, 73(4), 417-418.
(Albeck-Ripka, n.d.) OR Albeck-Ripka (n.d.)
Reference list
Albeck-Ripka, L. (n.d.). This is what extinction sounds like. Vice.
Journal articles
In-text (direct quote)
The new era of Open Access publishing has prompted "a new surge of investment, controversy, and relevance across a wide group of stakeholders" (Piwowar et al., 2018, "Introduction," para. 2).
Reference list
Piwowar, H., Priem, J., Larivière, V., Alperin, J. P., Matthias, L., Norlander, B., Farley, A., West, J. & Haustein, S. (2018). The state of OA: A large-scale analysis of the prevalence and impact of open access articles. PeerJ, 6(4375).
In-text (direct quote)
It is important to remember not to "let the data on your mobile stop you from recycling or rehoming your mobile phone" (Ridley, 2020, para. 5).
Reference list
Ridley, R. (2020, March 27). What are you doing with your old mobile phone? Recycling Near You.
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