(Tillman, 2020) OR Tillman (2020)
Reference list
Tillman, G. (2020). Disordered social media use and fear of COVID-19 and the association with stress and depression. PsyArxiv.
(Huestegge et al., 2019) OR Huestegge et al. (2019)
Reference list
Huestegge, S.M., Raettig, T., & Huestegge, L. (2019). Are face-incongruent voices harder to process? Effects of face–voice gender incongruency on basic cognitive information processing. Experimental Psychology. Advance online publication.
(Bennett et al., 2020 ) OR Bennett et al. (2020 )
Reference list
Bennett, R., Zorbas, C., Huse, O., Peeters, A., Cameron, A. J., Sacks, G., & Backholer, K. (2020). Prevalence of healthy and unhealthy food and beverage price promotions and their potential influence on shopper purchasing behaviour: A systematic review of the literature. Obesity Reviews, 21(1), Article e12948.
No DOI for journal article
Konishi, C., & Hymel, S. (2014). An attachment perspective on anger among adolescents. Merrill-Palmer Quarterly, 60(1), 53-79.
No DOI for newspaper article
Karatas, Z. (2020, March 14). Camel wrestling: It's a thing, and we have video. The Washington Post.
Finding a DOI: There are a few ways to find a DOI for journals, eBooks and other sources:
1. Look at the source to find the DOI. For journals, look at the first page of the article. For eBooks, look for any book details on the web page that hosts the eBook.
2. Search for the title of the item on the Crossref Metadata Search. The DOI will usually display under the item result.
3. In FiNDit search results, you can sometimes find the DOI by clicking on the Preview link.
If you cannot find a DOI through any of these methods, it is possible that the item does not have a DOI. If this is the case, just follow the examples listed under No DOI on either the Books & eBooks, or the Journals, Newspapers and Magazines pages.
Magazine - online with DOI
(Bergeson, 2019) OR Bergeson (2019)
Reference list
Bergeson, S. (2019, January 4). Really cool neutral plasmas. Science, 363(6422), 33-34.
Magazine - online without DOI
(Glasser, 2020) OR Glasser (2020)
Reference list
Glasser, S, B. (2020, January 24). Trolling day at the Trump trial. The New Yorker.
Magazine - print
(White, 2019) OR White (2019)
Reference list
White, M.J. (2019, July-August). What I've learned about white-collar crime. Harvard Business Review, 58-59.
Newspaper - online
(Karatas, 2020) OR Karatas (2020)
Reference list
Karatas, Z. (2020, March 14). Camel wrestling: It's a thing, and we have video. The Washington Post.
Newspaper - print
Zimmerman (2020) OR (Zimmerman, 2020)
Reference list
Zimmerman, J. (2020, January 24). Collie goes high tech for jobs. The West Australian, 10-11.
Article from a news website
Brown (2020) OR (Brown, 2020)
Reference list
Brown, N. (2020, February 13). In defense of the more controversial avocado, the Shepard.
Newspaper - from a subscription database
Taylor, 2017 OR (Taylor, 2017)
Reference list
Taylor, P. (2017, December 15). Secret quokka colony joins mainland ratrace. The Australian, 3.
Newspaper - from a database that is free to the public
Saunders (1998) OR (Saunders, 1998)
Reference list
Saunders, G. (1998, September 29). Doings of Chudleigh and Mole Creek. Western Tiers, 16.
(Abadi, 2020) OR Abadi (2020)
Reference list
Abadi, J. (2020). Perception and reality in US-Lebanon relations. Middle Eastern Studies, 56(2), 305-326.
(Colwell & Hutchinson, 2018) OR Colwell and Hutchinson (2018)
Reference list
Colwell, J., & Hutchinson, A. C. (2018). Considering a twitter-based professional learning network in literacy education. Literacy Research and Instruction, 57(1), 5-25.
(Lyman et al., 2014) OR Lyman et al. (2014)
Reference list
Lyman, D. R., Kurtz, M. M., Farkas, M., George, P., Dougherty, R. H., Daniels, A. S., Ghose, S.S., & Delphin-Rittmon, M. E. (2014). Skill building: Assessing the evidence. Psychiatric Services, 65(6), 727-738.
(Clément et al., 2017) OR Clément et al. (2017)
Reference list
Clément, Y., Sarah, G., Holtz, Y., Homa, F., Pointet, S., Contreras, S., Nabholz, B., Sabot, F., Sauné, L., Ardisson, M., Bacilieri, R., Besnard, G., Berger, A., Cardi, C., De Bellis, F., Fouet, O., Jourda, C., Khadari, B., Lanaud, C.,... Glémin, S. (2017). Evolutionary forces affecting synonymous variations in plant genomes. PLoS Genetics, 13(5), Article e1006799.
First in-text citation
(World Health Organization [WHO], 2016) OR World Health Organization (WHO, 2016)
Subsequent in-text citations
(WHO, 2016) OR WHO (2016)
Reference list
World Health Organization. (2016). Malaria vaccine: WHO position paper, January 2016 – recommendations. Vaccine, 36(25), 3576-3577.
No author - journal article
("What Role", 2014) OR "What Role" (2014)
Reference list
What role can physical education play in deterring violence in our society? (2014). Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance, 85(6), 49-51.
Author shown as "Anonymous"
(Anonymous, 2019) OR Anonymous (2019)
Reference list
Anonymous. (2019). Dignity and safety. Annals of Emergency Medicine, 73(4), 417-418.
J. J. Smith (2004) contradicts R. A. Smith (1999)
Reference List
Duarte Alonso A., Kok, S., & O'Brien, S. (2018a). Sustainable culinary tourism and Cevicherias: A stakeholder and social practice approach. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 26(5), 812-831.
Duarte Alonso A., Kok, S., & O'Brien, S. (2018b). 'We are only scratching the surface": A resource-based and dynamic capabilities approach in the context of culinary tourism development. Tourism Recreation Research, 43(4), 511-526.
Source within a source
Pea (as cited in Drew, 2019) found that... OR (as cited in Drew, 2019) OR Drew (2019) describes Pea's recent research on...
Reference list
Drew, C. (2019). Re-examining cognitive tools: New developments, new perspectives, and new opportunities for educational technology research. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 35(2), i-v.
No author
"Translate 1967 Referendum" (2008) OR ("Translate 1967 Referedum", 2008)
Reference list
Translate 1967 Referendum goodwill into real change. (2008, June 4). Torres News, 17.
Author shown as "Anonymous"
(Anonymous, 2019) OR Anonymous (2019)
Reference list
Anonymous. (2019). Dignity and safety. Annals of Emergency Medicine, 73(4), 417-418.
(Albeck-Ripka, n.d.) OR Albeck-Ripka (n.d.)
Reference list
Albeck-Ripka, L. (n.d.). This is what extinction sounds like. Vice.
Reference list
Carter, D. (2017). The labor of online product promotion: Barriers to collective action. First Monday, 22, 19-25.
In-text (direct quote)
The new era of Open Access publishing has prompted "a new surge of investment, controversy, and relevance across a wide group of stakeholders" (Piwowar et al., 2018, "Introduction," para. 2).
Reference list
Piwowar, H., Priem, J., Larivière, V., Alperin, J. P., Matthias, L., Norlander, B., Farley, A., West, J. & Haustein, S. (2018). The state of OA: A large-scale analysis of the prevalence and impact of open access articles. PeerJ, 6(4375).
Reference list
Bennett, R., Zorbas, C., Huse, O., Peeters, A., Cameron, A. J., Sacks, G., & Backholer, K. (2020). Prevalence of healthy and unhealthy food and beverage price promotions and their potential influence on shopper purchasing behaviour: A systematic review of the literature. Obesity Reviews, 21(1), Article e12948.
No DOI for journal article
Konishi, C., & Hymel, S. (2014). An attachment perspective on anger among adolescents. Merrill-Palmer Quarterly, 60(1), 53-79.
No DOI for newspaper article
Karatas, Z. (2020, March 14). Camel wrestling: It's a thing, and we have video. The Washington Post.
Finding a DOI: There are a few ways to find a DOI for journals, eBooks and other sources:
1. Look at the source to find the DOI. For journals, look at the first page of the article. For eBooks, look for any book details on the web page that hosts the eBook.
2. Search for the title of the item on the Crossref Metadata Search. The DOI will usually display under the item result.
3. In FiNDit search results, you can sometimes find the DOI by clicking on the Preview link.
If you cannot find a DOI through any of these methods, it is possible that the item does not have a DOI. If this is the case, just follow the examples listed under No DOI on either the Books & eBooks, or the Journals, Newspapers and Magazines pages.
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