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APA Referencing 7th Edition

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APA 7 YouTube


Streaming video [8.28, 9.8,10.12]:  Audiovisual media includes films, TV shows, YouTube videos, music, speech recordings or artwork, powerpoint slides and photographs. (For instructions on how to reference visual works refer to other sections of this guide). The author of an audiovisual work is determined by the type of media. For online streaming videos it is the person or group who uploaded the video. In the citation, to quote from an online streaming video (e.g. YouTube video, TED Talk) provide a time stamp for the beginning of the quotation, in place of a page number. When citing resources where the author may have a full name, a user name, or a combination thereof, you must include all that are available. If a full name is available, use it as your author name, and place the user name in square brackets: Smith, J. [jtothesmith]. If only a username is available, use it in place of an author name. Include the @ symbol where this is part of the username. In the reference list describe the material type in square brackets, for example, "[Video]" after the title of the work. For the source, provide the name of the streaming video site that hosts the video. For TED Talks if the talk comes from TED's website use the name of the speaker as the author; when the TED Talk is on YouTube, list the owner of the YouTube account as the author to aid retrieval.

TED Talk video


(Sturgeon, 2019) OR Sturgeon (2019)

Reference list

Sturgeon, N. (2019, July). Why governments should prioritize well-being. [Video]. TED Conferences.

YouTube Video


(TED, 2019) OR TED(2019)

Reference list

TED. (2019, December 12). Christiana Figueres and Chris Anderson: How we can turn the tide on climate [Video]. YouTube.

Talks at Google


(Talks at Google, 2019) OR Talks at Google (2019)

Reference list

 Talks at Google. (2019, September 18). Is the world ready for the age of AI? [Video]. YouTube.


(Husain, 2019) OR Husain (2019)

Reference list

 Husain, A. (2019, August 30). Is the world ready for the age of AI? [Video]. Talks at Google.

Streaming video


It is commonly accepted that "there is a huge gap between this attitude toward sustainable consumption or sustainable behavior and the actual behavior that happens" (Sattari, 2020, 01:22).

Reference list

Sattari, S. (2020). Researching consumer perspectives on sustainability using metaphor elicitation. [Video]. SAGE Research Methods.

Streaming video (database) - EduTV


(Watkin, 2019) OR Watkin (2019)

Reference list 

Watkin, D. (Director). (2019). A Murri on the move with Kerry Turner (Series 1, Episode 2) [Video]. In Around the Campfire. NITV.

Streaming video (database) - Kanopy


(Peabody, 2019) OR Peabody (2019)

Reference list

Peabody, F. (Director). (2019). The corporate coup d'etat [Video]. First Run Features.

Television series [8.28, 10.11]: When citing an entire television series, use the executive producer(s) as your author, not the writer or story author. However, if you are citing a single episode of a television series, you will need to include the writer and director of the episode as well as the executive producer. In the reference list include the contributor roles in brackets after each contributor's name, e.g.  "Weinstein, J. (Writer) & Lynch, J. (Director)." Include the season number and episode number after the title in brackets. When a series covers multiple years, separate the years with an en dash and if the series is still current, replace the second year with the word "present" for example, "(2015-present)".

Television series (single episode)


(Quicke, 2018) OR Quicke (2018)

Reference list

Quicke, G. (Host). (2018). A stargazer's guide to the Cosmos: The scale of the Solar System. [TV series episode]. In J. Edmeades (Director), A stargazer's guide to the Cosmos. ABC Me.

Television series (full series)


(Edmeades, 2019) OR Edmeades (2019)

Reference list

Edmeades, J. (Director). (2019). A stargazer's guide to the Cosmos. [TV series]. ABC Me.

Films, DVDs and documentaries [8.28,10.12]: When citing movies, you must use the director as your author. However, if the director is unknown, someone in a similar role can be credited as the author, for example, guest expert or host. When quoting directly from a film, provide a timestamp for the beginning of the quotation in place of a page number. In the reference, after the title section put the media type in square brackets, e.g. "[Film]". Put the name of the production company as the publisher in the reference.



(Knight, 2019) OR Knight (2019)

Reference list

Knight, S. (Director). (2019). Serenity [Film]. Global Road Entertainment.


Radio programs [10.13:95]: Put the producer's name in the author position. List the date that the show was originally broadcast, and the broadcast channel. If the radio broadcast includes an interview, credit the interviewer as the author.


(Goldwater, 2020) OR Goldwater (2020)

Reference list 

Goldwater, M. (2020, February 23). Dr Micah Goldwater discusses pseudoscience [Interview]. All in the mind with Sana Qadar: Suckers for pseudoscience. ABC Radio National.

Podcasts [10.13:93-94]: List the host of the podcast as the author, or alternatively, provide the executive producer if known and put their role in brackets. Specify the type of podcast in square brackets e.g. audio or video. If the URL of the podcast is unknown (e.g. if accessed via an app), omit the URL. If the podcast is part of a series, provide the episode number, if known, in brackets after the title. Please see additional examples of podcast references on APA website.



(Edmonds, 2018) OR Edmonds (2018)

Reference list

Edmonds, D. (2018, April 11). Tom Chatfield on critical thinking and bias [Audio podcast episode]. In Social science bites. Sage Publications.

Recorded music [10.13:91-92]: Put the recording artist's name or group in the author position for an individual song or album. Put the music label as the publisher. For classical music, give the composer as the author and, note in square brackets after the title, the individual or group who recorded the version you used. Provide the publication date for the version you used and the year of original composition in brackets at the end of the reference. Include a URL in the reference if that is the only means of retrieval (for example, for artists who provide music in only one location). For single songs or tracks, if there is no associated album, omit this part of the reference.

Song track on a CD 


(Kelly, 2008) OR Kelly (2008)

Reference list 

Kelly, P. (2008). Leaps and bounds [Song]. On Greatest hits: Songs from the south volumes 1 & 2. [CD]. Universal Music.

Classical works

(Handel, 1749/1986) OR Handel (1749/1986)

Handel, G. F. (1986). The music for the Royal fireworks: Amaryllis suite; suite from the water music. [Album recorded by the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by Yehudi Menuhin]. RPO Records, London. (Original work produced 1749)


Speeches [10.13:96]: Referencing a speech depends on the source - internet, video, document, etc. Consult the relevant parts of the guide for examples based on the format of the speech.