LAWS3030 Competition and Consumer Law
This course focuses on competition (antitrust) and consumer protection provisions found in Australian legislation. The first part of the course considers constitutional underpinnings of competition and consumer protection law in Australia and the role of key regulators, principally the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC). The second part of the course deals with consumer protection law, in particular, the prohibition of misleading and deceptive conduct and false representations, unconscionable conduct as it affects businesses and individuals and the law in relation to consumer guarantees. In both parts of the course close attention is given to the wide and unique range of remedies available to businesses and consumers for breaches of the Act.
Legal encyclopedias are a useful starting place to begin your research. They identify key legal principles and will refer to relevant cases and legislation. Heavily footnoted, you can follow the links to other relevant sources.
Halsbury's Laws of Australia (Lexis)
420. Trade and Commerce (incl. competition law)
The Laws of Australia (Westlaw)
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