LAWS3110 Indigenous Law
Students will examine both the initial interaction of indigenous and European law through the doctrine of terra nullius, and the notion of customary law as a distinct entity, including proposals to give greater recognition to customary law. The development of the Native Title Act will be traced, as will its operations in relation to native title claims. Other legal issues of relevance to indigenous people, such as the criminal justice system, Aboriginal heritage, stolen generations, international law and reconciliation will also be addressed.
About this guide
This guide was created by a librarian and contains some key resources you can refer to throughout the indigenous law course.
See also the indigenous studies guide for interdisciplinary resources.
Native title
The Native Title service (Lexis)
• Annotated Native Title Act (Cth) plus rules
• State and territory legislation
• Chapters of general commentary on native title law and practice
• Casenotes from Australian and foreign jurisdictions
Legal encyclopedias are a useful starting place to begin your research. They identify key legal principles and will refer to relevant cases and legislation. Heavily footnoted, you can follow the links to other relevant sources.
Halsbury's Laws of Australia (Lexis+)
5. Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islander Peoples
The Laws of Australia (Westlaw)
Case citators
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