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Law Topics

Property law

About this guide

This guide was created by a librarian and contains some key resources you can refer to throughout the property law courses.

LAWS2410 Property Law A

This course will focus on fundamental common law, equitable and statutory principles of property law such as the nature of property, formal requirements for the creation and transfer of proprietary interests, co-ownership of property, the difference between legal and equitable proprietary interests, and the rules for determining priority disputes between competing claims for property and the doctrine of native title.

LAWS2420 Property Law B

Students will examine the application of fundamental common law, equitable and statutory principles of property law under the Torrens System of Land. It will extend students’ understanding of property law concerning the concept of indefeasibility of title, leases, easements, restrictive covenants and mortgages.

Secondary sources

Legal encyclopedias are a useful starting place to begin your research. They identify key legal principles and will refer to relevant cases and legislation. Heavily footnoted, you can follow the links to other relevant sources.


Case Citators

Law Reports