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Copyright and legal re-use

Contains information on using (and re-using) material that isn't your own, and the limits that apply to this use.


Print and artistic work
The University is covered by a remuneration notice with the Copyright Agency (CAL Licence) that permits the copying and communication of literary, dramatic, and artistic works, in both print and digital formats.


Staff and students must ensure that any copyright material copied or reproduced under the CAL Licence:

  • does not exceed the 'reasonable portion limits' set by the Act (e.g. 1 chapter or 10% of a book, whichever is the greater; or one article - or more if they concern the same topic - from a specific journal issue);
  • includes a full citation to the original source; and
  • the copying must be for non-commercial educational purposes.

Staff must also ensure that any copyright material copied or reproduced is only provided to individuals who are currently enrolled students of the University of Notre Dame Australia.

For more information please see the following Australian Copyright Council Information sheets:​