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Copyright and legal re-use

Contains information on using (and re-using) material that isn't your own, and the limits that apply to this use.

Using literary or dramatic work

  For Students For Teaching Staff For Publishing

Literary or Dramatic Work
Includes: Anthologies#, Compilations, Computer Programs, Journal Articles, Book Chapters and Excerpts, Novels, Poems, Reports, Screenplays*, Song Lyrics, Choreography, Mime Pieces, and Plays.

Limits apply.
Attribution required.

Limits apply.
Attribution required.
To be submitted to
Leganto Reading List service
for compliance check.

Permission required from both Copyright Owner and Moral Rights Holder.
Usage fees may apply.
Attribution required.

Specific information for students on how to (re)use this type of work for educational purposes (assignments, projects, etc.):
  • From print sources (books, journal articles, etc)

    For books, 10% of the total number of pages, or one chapter if the work is broken up into chapters. For journal articles, one article from an issue of a journal, or more than one if they are on the same subject matter.
    Don't forget to reference each item by using the appropriate University style. Please see the Referencing Guide for more information.

  • From online sources
    For ebooks, 10% of the total number of pages, or one chapter if the work is broken up into chapters. For online journal articles, one article from an issue of a journal, or more than one if they are on the same subject matter.
    Don't forget to reference each item by using the appropriate University style. Please see the Referencing Guide for more information.

You may only copy more than this legal limit where the terms of use of the website (or licence/contract of the item) state otherwise. Where possible, look for items that have a Creative Commons licence or are listed as being CC0 (Creation Commons Zero OR Public Domain).

Specific information for teaching staff on how to (re)use this type of work for educational purposes (PowerPoint presentations, handouts, etc.):
  • From print sources (books, journal articles, etc)

    For books, 10% of the total number of pages, or one chapter if the work is broken up into chapters. For journal articles, one article from an issue of a journal, or more than one if they are on the same subject matter.
    Don't forget to reference each item by using the appropriate University style. Please see the Referencing Guide for more information.

  • From online sources
    For ebooks, 10% of the total number of pages, or one chapter if the work is broken up into chapters. For online journal articles, one article from an issue of a journal, or more than one if they are on the same subject matter.
    Don't forget to reference each item by using the appropriate University style. Please see the Referencing Guide for more information.
    All material to be uploaded instead of linked to must be submitted to the Leganto Reading List service for copyright compliance check. Please view the Leganto guide for more information regarding this process.


You may only copy more than this legal limit where the terms of use of the website (or licence/contract of the item) state otherwise. Where possible, look for items that have a Creative Commons licence or are listed as being CC0 (Creation Commons Zero OR Public Domain).

All material copied under the Statutory Licence and communicated to students (LMS upload, email, etc) must have a warning notice attached near the front of the material (for example, as the second slide of a PowerPoint presentation after the title page). If the New Statutory Licence - Reproduction Notice PDF (see link below) is not used, then the following notice text must be included in entirety:

This material has been reproduced and communicated to you by or on behalf of The University of Notre Dame Australia in accordance with section 113P of the Copyright Act 1968 (Act).
The material in this communication may be subject to copyright under the Act. Any further reproduction or communication of this material by you may be the subject of copyright protection under the Act.
Do not remove this notice.
Specific information for researchers on how to (re)use this type of work for publishing purposes (thesis, journal article, book chapter, etc.):
  • From print sources (books, journal articles, etc)
    Permission is required from the copyright owner to use the appropriately referenced work in a publication. If you are not able to find or contact the copyright owner, please contact the Copyright Officer for assistance.​
  • From online sources
    Permission is required from the copyright and moral rights owner(s) to use the appropriately referenced work in a publication. If you are not able to find or contact the copyright owner, please contact the Copyright Officer for assistance. Usage fees may apply.